Queen's Relectric Team
Interested in EV technology and creating a sustainable future? Help lead Queen's Relectric in the pursuit to convert combustion engine vehicles to electric. This year we started to work on a Jeep Wrangler with the goal of completing the build at the end of next year!
We are looking for someone who:
- Has strong communication/presentation skills
- Is a self-starter
- Has a passion for the automotive industry and electric vehicles
- Enjoys tackling complex challenges
- Can lead by example
As a Battery Systems Lead you will be responsible for:
- Interfacing the Battery Management System (BMS) with the vehicle batteries
- Working with the project teams to set goals and analyze team progress
- Managing safety plans and procedures for working with high voltage systems
- Optimizing high voltage wiring configurations within the vehicle
- Programming the BMS to track performance of the batteries
Deadline to apply: April 23, 2023 at 11:59 PM
If you have any questions feel free to contact Josh Block (relectric @ engsoc.queensu.ca).