The 16 EngSoc Directors work directly with the 4 Executives to manage specific areas of the Society - together, the 20-person Executive-Director team oversees the affairs of the entire Engineering Society, including 7 services, professional development events, dozens of clubs, conferences, and design teams, and so much more! The responsibilities of all Directors include...

Team Leadership: Hire, manage, and support your own team! Directors each have their own team of managers and coordinators, ranging from a few people to 20+, that they work with to run their portfolio. Develop outstanding team management and leadership skills!

Project Planning: Set your own priorities and develop your own strategic plan and budget for the year! Directors are responsible for setting the overall vision for their portfolio and planning how that vision will be executed throughout the year.

Long-Term Strategy: EngSoc Directors have seats on EngSoc council and work closely with the Executives; as a result, the Director team has a strong voice in setting the long-term development of the Engineering Society and student life for Queen's Engineers.

Time-Management & Organization: As a Director, you will be expected to balance meetings with your Exec member and your own team, as well as project deadlines and event planning. Break out those calendars!

Communication: The Exec-Director team is the most senior leadership group in the Engineering Society, and as a result, the Directors often represent the organization (and Queen's Engineers in general) to the University, external partners and sponsors, and prospective students. The ability to communicate efficiently and professionally is highly important, and will be further developed through this role!

The 16 Directors each have unique portfolios with very different responsibilities and team compositions. Overviews of these portfolios can be found here, and fully-detailed breakdowns of all responsibilities can be found in Bylaw Section 8, which can be downloaded from the EngSoc website here. Applicants should read the first document outlining the Director portfolios before applying!!

Estimated Time Commitment: 10-15 hours/week, plus occasional extra commitments on weekends for hiring or major events.

Application Deadline: Thursday, January 30th @ 11:59 PM EST

Contact Person - Emails for the current Executives and Directors can be found on the Engineering Society website.