Queen's EngiQueers is looking for a passionate and dedicated engineer to lead the club next year!

EngiQueers is a student-led club supporting and celebrating queer identified students and allies in engineering. Our three pillars are community, education and advocacy, and professional development. Some of our clubs activities include holding bi-weekly drop-ins, queer coffee houses, drag nights at Clark, and organizing attendance at the EngiQueers Canada conference in January.

If you love the queer community and want to give back to your peers in engineering, considering applying for the role!

Responsibilities include organizing meetings, spearheading events, delegating to your execs, and being a point of contact for EngiQueers.The time commitment varies per week, but you can expect to spend 2-6 hours each week managing club activities. Passion, creativity, perseverance, and time management skills are all assets for this position.

Interviews will be conducted in person the week of April 1 - April 8 (Week 12).

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Anna and Zoe (current presidents) at engiqueers@ . We look forward to receiving your application!